Personal Security Alarms: 
Understanding the Pros and Cons

When it comes to personal security, many women are researching personal alarms and have questions about their effectiveness. Many laugh at the idea of a personal alarm, others wholeheartedly trust in the alarm's ability to prevent or deter an attack. At Women Who Fight Back, we aim to provide you with credible information to make informed decisions about your safety. 

Before we really delve into the pros and cons of personal security alarms, 
check out this video on a police-approved alarm and how most of them work:

Now, we can discuss:


Deterrence and Attention Grabbing: Personal alarms serve as a powerful deterrent. Emitting a loud noise when activated, the alarm above emits a sound of 130db which is the equivalent of the powerful sound of a jackhammer or an ambulance siren. This little alarm is NO joke. They startle potential attackers and draw immediate attention from people in the vicinity, potentially deterring the assailant and attracting assistance.

Easy to Use: Personal alarms are designed for ease of use. They are, currently (as of  7/20/2023), legal everywhere in the United States. We do recommend double checking to make 100% certain you can carry and use one of these wherever you will be. The alarm is so simple to use.  With simple activation mechanisms such as buttons or pins, they are accessible to individuals of all backgrounds and levels of self-defense training.

Portability: These alarms are compact and portable, often designed as keychains or attachable devices. Their lightweight nature ensures that they are easily accessible in emergency situations.

Non-Violent Defense: Personal alarms offer a non-violent means of self-defense. We understand that many women do not want to use violence in any form, if it can be avoided. By creating a loud noise, they enable individuals to signal distress without engaging in physical confrontation. This can save a lot of legal headache after the fact. (Remember - We are strong supporter of women using any and every  means necessary to protect themselves in situations where their lives are at risk. Fight back!)


Dependence on Others: Personal alarms rely on the presence and responsiveness of individuals in the vicinity.  That being said, just because there is a person nearby, doesn't mean that person will help. There have been many studies that have shown people walking by or refusing to help because they don't want to get involved, are afraid, or are in too much of a hurry. This is the reality of the world. We must recognize this and act accordingly. 

Another issue is that there could be no one around, meaning the alarm will most likely have zero effect because there is no one to alert. An example of this could be when a woman is taking a hike alone in the mountains or at a park.  

Response Time: In a crowded area or in an area where there are a lot of people, hearing the alarm will have a different effect on each person. Their response time can be significantly different. Some may not immediately recognize the alarm as an emergency, some might ignore it, while others may need time to decide how to intervene. This variability is a critical one. 

May not be Enough: It is important to view personal alarms as one option in the world of personal security. Relying solely on a personal alarm may create a false sense of security. The alarm does nothing other than emit a loud sound. It will not defend you in any other way. We recommend using other forms of self-defense strategies in a addition to this alarm. 

Sound Range Limit: Personal alarms have a limited range within which their sound is audible. In scenarios where the assailant is not in close proximity or if there are barriers like walls or other noise, the alarm's effectiveness may be reduced.

Potential Countermeasures: Some attackers know about these alarms and may possess the ability to disable the personal alarms swiftly. At the same time, women in a state of panic may experience difficulty activating the alarm and this could render it useless.


Women Who Fight Back's belief is simple: there are other tools that can better defend you. That being said, if you still want to add this alarm to your repertoire of the personal defense items, it should be seen as one of the many tools for you to use. It shouldn't be what you are depending your life on. Combining the alarm with pepper spray would serve you better, because the pepper spray can actually cause physical pain to the attacker. 

The alarm is not our top choice in any respect, but it might work well for you if you live in a place where there is always enough people around who would quickly respond to the sound and help you out. If you are determined to add this alarm to your self-defense tools, 
we recommend this one: 

We like the Vantamo Personal Alarm because it has two speakers, a bright strobe light, a low-battery indicator, and more. The battery lasts for up to a year and is rechargeable. The alarm is extremely loud, think jackhammer loud, at 130dB. Stay prepared with this personal keychain alarm. It comes in different colors as well.