Personal Safety for Women: 
Avoiding Physical Altercations in Everyday Situations 

avoiding fights as a woman plus deescalation tips

PLUS: 5 de-escalation techniques that actually WORK

Women Who Fight Back knows being equipped with the right tools to navigate potential conflicts is a skill worth its weight in gold. Whether you're at home, hitting the town for a night out, or exploring the aisles of your favorite store, knowing how to prevent physical altercations is essential. Most of us have seen fights break out in the most random of places and a lot of us have had to deescalate our own arguments with others before they became physically dangerous. If you haven't experienced any of this - trust us - you will want to be prepared if you do.

In this article, we will discuss effective strategies for defusing tension in various situations, helping you to better handle challenges with confidence and grace. A little knowledge can go a long way in ensuring our well-being and enhancing our everyday experiences.

At Home:
Ensuring a safe and inviting home is essential. In this section, we'll explore straightforward steps to enhance your home's security. For example, reinforce doors and windows with deadbolts, security systems, and peepholes. Establish an emergency plan for unforeseen situations. Communicate assertively to discourage intruders and keep emergency contacts easily accessible. 

Secure Your Home: Make sure your doors and windows are locked and secure. 
Use deadbolts, security systems, and peepholes to enhance your safety.

Screen Visitors: Use a peephole, a Ring Doorbell, and/or security cameras to identify visitors before opening the door. Never open the door to someone you do not know. In our current society, if you're not expecting someone - avoid opening the door. 

Emergency Plan: Have an emergency plan in place in case someone unauthorized enters your home. For example, if you here something odd downstairs during the middle of the night, what would you do? Do you have a firearm near? Do you know the home defense laws of your state? If you don't, get on it. Train and be prepared. If you don't want to use weapons, know how to escape safely with your family.

Use Communication: If you suspect an intruder, grab your firearm and prepare to defend your home and those you love. Once the firearm or weapon is in your hands - speak loudly and confidently to alert them that you and your family will NOT be an easy target. This might discourage them from attempting anything. That being said, if you do not have any weapon to protect yourself and you start yelling down at them - they will know where you are and you could be giving away your location and putting yourself in danger. WWFB does not believe women should take a chance on their safety and always recommends buying a home defense firearm (understand at your state's laws first) to protect themselves and their family. 

Emergency Contacts: If you have time, call the police. Just know the police will take time to arrive at your residence. 
In the mean time, you must know how to defend yourself and your family. 

At a Bar:
In this section, we present key strategies to having a great night out at a bar or restaurant while maintaining a strong focus on security. We all have seen fights break out (most of us) while out on the town when there is alcohol involved. That's the reality of night life for most of us. From the use of the buddy system and making the best seating choices to safeguarding your beverages, we are going to offer you some tips.  

Buddy System: Whenever possible, go out with friends and stick together. 
Make a pact to look out for each other's safety.

Stay in Visible Areas: Choose a seat where you're visible to bar staff and security. Choose the seat where you have the best vantage point of the restaurant or bar. We want to be able to see the people who are entering the bar and what is going on throughout our time there. This will help us make informed decisions on when it might be a good time to leave. 

Watch Your Drink: Never EVER leave your drink unattended, and avoid accepting drinks from strangers. 
Drink spiking is a serious concern.

Alert Staff: If you feel uncomfortable due to someone's behavior, inform bar staff or security. 
They can intervene discreetly if needed.

Transportation: Plan your transportation in advance. Avoid getting into a car with someone 
you don't know well. Have a close friend come pick you up or consider using ride share services with GPS tracking. While using a ride share service, we also recommend bringing a friend with you and not riding alone. We understand this isn't always possible, so sharing your location while on the ride with a friend is a beneficial idea. This will allow them to know where you are and if you made it to your destination safely. 

While at a Store:
In this section, we'll share essential strategies to heighten your security while you are shopping. Always stay vigilant and minimize distractions as you navigate any store. Whether you're accompanied by a friend or shopping solo, adopt practical measures to boost your safety. Tune into your instincts if you sense unusual attention or someone following you. Opt for well-trafficked areas, especially during off-peak hours, to ensure a secure shopping experience. Here are some more tips:

Be Aware of Surroundings: While shopping, stay alert to your surroundings. 
Avoid getting engrossed in your phone or other distractions. Shopping is fun but can also make you more susceptible to being more of a target for people looking to do bad things. 

Shopping Buddies: Shopping with a friend can enhance safety and is also really fun. 
If that's not possible, let someone know your whereabouts and estimated return time.

Trust Your Intuition: If someone seems overly interested in your activities or appears to 
be following you, trust your instincts and take appropriate action. 

Parking Safety: Park in well-lit and well-trafficked areas, especially 
if you'll be returning to your car after dark. We always recommend waiting for that closer parking spot 
instead of parking way out in the back of the lot simply because it's easier to find parking there. 

Remember, the key is to remain vigilant, trust your instincts, and prioritize your safety. Avoiding dangerous situations is about making conscious choices that reduce the risk of confrontations and staying prepared for any situation. If you ever find yourself in a potentially dangerous situation, prioritize your well-being and take steps to remove yourself from it as quickly and safely as possible.

Warning Signs of an Impending Fight:

Verbal Aggression: Heated arguments, shouting, and aggressive 
language can indicate an escalation towards physical violence.

Intense Staring or Glaring: Intense and prolonged eye contact, especially accompanied 
by aggressive body language, might signal a potential threat.

Invasion of Personal Space: Someone getting physically close to you, invading your personal space, 
or trying to corner you could be a precursor to a physical altercation.

Puffing Up and Posturing: If someone is trying to make themselves appear larger, 
raising their fists, or showing other signs of physical aggression, they might be gearing up for a fight.

Increased Agitation: Rapid breathing, clenched fists, and other signs of heightened 
agitation can indicate that someone is becoming more aggressive.

Aggressive Gestures: Watch for signs like finger pointing, aggressive 
hand gestures, or clenched fists.

Recruitment of Allies: If you notice someone trying to involve others to support their side 
in an argument, this could escalate the situation.

Physical Contact: Any form of physical contact that feels threatening or 
aggressive should be taken seriously.

5 De-escalation techniques
De-escalation techniques are essential skills for diffusing tense situations and preventing conflicts from 
escalating into physical altercations. Here are our top five de-escalation techniques:

1. Active Listening: Pay close attention to the other person's words, tone, and body language. Make them feel heard and understood by nodding, maintaining eye contact, and using verbal affirmations like "I understand" or "I hear you." By showing that you are genuinely interested in their perspective, you can defuse anger and frustration. A lot of times, people just want to be heard. They want others to value and acknowledge their feelings. 

2. Stay Calm and Control Your Emotions: Your own demeanor can have a significant impact on the situation. Speak calmly, use a composed tone, and avoid becoming defensive or confrontational. Keeping your emotions in check can help prevent the other person from escalating their own emotions. That being said, remaining dull or uninterested can cause the other person to get even more upset because it seems like you do not care about how they are feeling. When in a situation like this, make sure you appear concerned and interested in what they have to say. Sometimes ignoring them is the wrong choice. Every situation is unique and you will have to make the call based on what information (body language, words, posture, tone, etc...) you receive from the other person. 

3. Empathy and Validation: Try to see the situation from the other person's point of view and acknowledge their feelings. Express empathy by saying things like, "I can understand why you might feel that way," or "It sounds like you're really frustrated." Validating their emotions can help lower their guard and create a more cooperative atmosphere. It also might not hurt to say, "Man, I've been there - I know how that feels...".

4. Offer Choices and Options: People often feel less threatened when they have a sense of control. Present options or choices that give them some agency in the situation. For example, you might say, "We can approach this in a few different ways. What do you think might work best?" People want to feel like they have power over a situation - offering choices allows them to feel this way. 

5. Use Positive Language: Frame your statements in a positive and non-confrontational manner. Avoid using aggressive or accusatory language. Instead, focus on solutions and common ground. For instance, instead of saying, "You need to do this," you could say, "Let's work together to find a solution."

Remember that de-escalation is not about giving in or conceding; it's about finding a peaceful resolution and ensuring everyone's safety. While these techniques can be effective in many situations, there may be cases where the situation is too volatile or dangerous for you to handle on your own. In such instances, it's essential to prioritize your safety and seek help from authorities or trained professionals.

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An extremely valuable product that millions of people have is the Ring Video Doorbell.
Why? Well, personal security is of utmost importance, particularly for women. The Ring Video Doorbell offers women an advanced level of safety and control. This smart device enables screening of visitors before opening the door and allows communication via a smartphone app. It also has motion detection technology which comes in handy as well. If you don't have one - it's time to get one:

ring video doorbell